CARDET with its partners from Italy, UK, Poland and Spain participate in the INTO project. INTO aims to promote strategies and methods that help students with a migrant background at risk of early school leaving to maintain their motivation for education, through e development of an innovative model of “Intercultural Mentoring” and an “Intercultural Mentoring Programme”.

The INTO project was launched in November of 2013 and will have a total duration of 2 years. In the framework of the project CARDET has collected from relevant researches, programs and policies about migration in Cyprus, educational context and system, and peer education in Cyprus, as well. At the same time of the theoretical and methodological in-depth analysis, CARDET was carried out a focus group, with stakeholders and educational experts in order to observe (a) the formative needs of the scholastic context and teacher staff in Cyprus based on subjects such as: continuity and absenteeism of students; (b) the didactic and methodological strategies which are important for the continuity, a good school performance of the migrant student through the support of the peer education methodology and (c) possible experience from schools about the scholastic continuity and peer education.

The results of the desk research and the focus group will provide a synthesis about opportunities and critical points of the scholastic system according to the Intercultural Mentoring model and Programme that will be applied in partner countries.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
[Project Number: 540440-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-COMENIUS-CMP]